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Privacy Policy

Think Karbosan Zımpara Taşı San. A.Ş. As (”Our Company“ or ”Karbosan“), we show the utmost sensitivity for the processing and protection of personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 (”KVKK") and its secondary regulations.
This information has been prepared in order to inform our employees/interns, employee candidates/trainee candidates, references shared by candidates with us during job application processes, company manager and partners, visitors, customers, suppliers, external service providers and employees affiliated to external service providers and platform users about Karbosan's personal data processing activities in accordance with the KVK legislation.
Within the scope of this information text, employees, employee candidates / trainee candidates whose personal data are processed by Karbosan in accordance with the processing activities subject to KVKK, references shared by candidates with us during the job application processes, company managers and partners, visitors, customers, suppliers, external service providers and real persons who are employees of external service providers, and platform users (“Related Persons”), which personal data are processed within the scope of these processing activities; the purposes of processing personal data, sharing with third parties, the method of obtaining and the legal reason for obtaining; security measures taken regarding personal data; deletion, destruction or anonymization of personal data and the issues related to the rights that the Relevant Persons have within the scope of processing their personal data are explained.
Processed Data
Identification Information:
First name, surname, TCKN, place of birth, date of birth, marital status, nationality, etc.
contact information:
Mobile phone, electronic mail address, residence address, etc.
Information about Family Members:
Professional information belonging to family members, number of children, etc.
Financial Information:
Bank account information, etc.
Personal Data:
Position/title information, diplomas and certificates, work history and details, testimonial/service/work certificate received from previous workplace, CV, education status, official correspondence about the employee, photo, SGK job entry declaration, SGK registration number, SGK job departure declaration, blood type, health report, criminal record, disability report, periodic examination report, ex-convict report, military service status information, entry and exit hours, performance measurement data, etc.
Other Data: Signature, photo, health information, information about criminal convictions and security measures, OHS compliance information, military service status, test results, hobbies, eye and hair color data, file/case tracking numbers, vehicle license plate information, fingerprint and facial recognition data obtained within the scope of applications, camera images, IPS, place and time of activities, etc.
Purpose of Processing:
To fulfill our Company's obligations arising from the employment contract and other relevant Laws, especially the Labor Law, the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, the Occupational Health and Safety Law, the Income Tax Law, to provide you with a right (wage, premium, private health insurance, private pension, education, leave and other ancillary rights), to exercise and protect your personal data mentioned above; to establish a right (wage, premium, private health insurance, private pension, education, leave and other ancillary rights) due to our company policy; to carry out human resources activities, to make an inventory of the company's goods defined for you, to create your user accounts in the systems used within the company, to perform your performance evaluations and score calculations; to determine your raise rates, to provide control at the factory entrances and exits / inside the building within the scope of our right to supervise the work and our obligation to ensure occupational health and safety, and to follow up the work, ; to protect your life or body integrity if you are unable to disclose your consent due to actual impossibility; to provide preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services and to maintain Company operations and policies by taking into account your fundamental rights and freedoms; to ensure company security; to make domestic and international assignments; to plan the business strategies and flow of our company; to be able to provide services within the scope of our commercial activities, to maintain our company's R & D activities; to detect and prevent internal irregularities. To protect your life or body integrity; to provide preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services and to maintain the Company's policies by observing your fundamental rights and freedoms; to ensure company security; to carry out domestic and international assignments; to plan the business strategies and flow of our company; to provide services within the scope of our commercial activities, to maintain our company's R & D activities; to Decipher and prevent; Complaints and requests directed to the Company are processed in accordance with the KVK legislation by automatic or non-automatic methods in electronic and physical environments in a connected, limited and measured manner in order to take care of the legitimate interests of our Company, such as managing the compliance and disciplinary processes of the Company, in accordance with the KVK legislation.
Domestic Transfer: Except for your personal data obtained through camera recordings, facial recognition and fingerprint reading applications; Your personal data contained in this Clarification Text are with the current /potential customers we serve / will provide in accordance with our commercial activities; with our business partners, with the relevant consulting firms in order to manage the relations with official institutions and organizations; in connection with the above-mentioned purposes, our business partners share limited and measured information with the OHS unit from which we receive external services, the private insurance company from which our Company receives external services, and other external service providers in electronic and physical media in writing, by automatic or non-automatic methods in accordance with the KVK legislation.
Foreign Transfer: No overseas transfer is made.
The Method of Obtaining and the Legal Reason
Your personal data is obtained by you during the recruitment process, during the conclusion of the employment contract and by electronic or physical means from your director, colleagues or customers of our Company due to your work in our Company in accordance with the KVK legislation.
Accordingly, your personal data indicates that the processing activity;
* It is clearly stipulated in the laws;
• It is mandatory for a person who is unable to disclose his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid to protect the life or body integrity of himself or someone else;
• It is necessary to process the personal data belonging to the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract;
* It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill his/her legal obligation;
• The fact that the relevant person has been publicly identified by himself;
• Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right;
* It is mandatory to process data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned
if it is being performed due to the existence of any of its situations, it is being processed without seeking your explicit consent; in other cases, it is being processed with your explicit consent.
Processed Data
Identification Information:
First name, surname, TCKN, place of birth, date of birth, marital status, nationality, etc.
contact information:
Mobile phone, electronic mail address, residence address, etc.
Information about Family Members:
Professional information belonging to family members, etc.
Data related to the resume:
Graduated school information, past work experiences, information about hobbies, information about foreign language proficiency, etc.
Other Data:
The information shared with us in the motivation letters, the gross/net amount of wages received recently and the information about the benefits, if any, references, personality test results, etc.
Purpose of Processing: Your personal data; In order to objectively evaluate your compliance with the requirements of the relevant open position of our Company, to compare objectively with other candidates applying for the same position, to evaluate your compliance with our company culture and ethical values, to perform a reference check, to present our salary offer specially prepared for you at the offer stage, to ensure the Company's security by observing your basic rights and freedoms with the principle of equality, to manage complaints and requests directed to the Company in order to take care of the legitimate interests of our Company, such as, we process in a limited and measured manner in electronic and physical environments by automatic or non-automatic methods in written form in accordance with the KVK legislation.
Our Company undertakes that it will process your personal data in a measured and limited manner in connection with the purposes of being able to evaluate your suitability for possible future positions by registering your resume in the Karbosan human resources system if you give explicit consent, and to inform you about new positions to be opened in the future if you give your consent again, and that it will not process your personal data without explicit consent except for these purposes.
Domestic Transfer: As mentioned above, it shares the personal data shared directly with our Company by our candidates, in accordance with the KVK legislation, in written, automatic or non-automatic methods in electronic or physical environments with external service providers who organize personality and aptitude tests applied to all our candidates during the recruitment process.
Transfer Abroad: There is no transfer abroad.
The Method of Obtaining and the Legal Reason
Veliköy OSB Sanayi Bulvarı No.: 76/A Çerkezköy / Tekirdağ - Türkiye
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